Go to the documentation of this file.
92 AppProto alproto,
int tx_min_progress);
95 AppProto alproto,
int tx_min_progress);
98 const int id,
const int parent_id,
104 const int id,
const int parent_id,
void DetectEngineFrameMpmRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const char *name, int direction, int priority, int(*PrefilterRegister)(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id), AppProto alproto, uint8_t type)
int SignatureHasStreamContent(const Signature *)
check if a signature has patterns that are to be inspected against the stream payload (as opposed to ...
void DetectMpmInitializeBuiltinMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
Container for matching data for a signature group.
void RetrieveFPForSig(const DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s)
int DetectSetFastPatternAndItsId(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
Figure out the FP and their respective content ids for all the sigs in the engine.
void DetectPktMpmRegister(const char *name, int priority, PrefilterRegisterFunc PrefilterRegister, InspectionBufferGetPktDataPtr GetData)
void DetectAppLayerMpmMultiRegister(const char *name, int direction, int priority, PrefilterRegisterFunc PrefilterRegister, InspectionMultiBufferGetDataPtr GetData, AppProto alproto, int tx_min_progress)
int SignatureHasPacketContent(const Signature *)
check if a signature has patterns that are to be inspected against a packets payload (as opposed to t...
InspectionBuffer *(* InspectionMultiBufferGetDataPtr)(struct DetectEngineThreadCtx_ *det_ctx, const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms, Flow *f, const uint8_t flow_flags, void *txv, const int list_id, const uint32_t local_id)
InspectionBuffer *(* InspectionBufferGetDataPtr)(struct DetectEngineThreadCtx_ *det_ctx, const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms, Flow *f, const uint8_t flow_flags, void *txv, const int list_id)
main detection engine ctx
void DetectMpmInitializeFrameMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
int PatternMatchPrepareGroup(DetectEngineCtx *, SigGroupHead *)
Prepare the pattern matcher ctx in a sig group head.
InspectionBuffer *(* InspectionBufferGetPktDataPtr)(struct DetectEngineThreadCtx_ *det_ctx, const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms, Packet *p, const int list_id)
one time registration of keywords at start up
void EngineAnalysisAddAllRulePatterns(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const Signature *s)
add all patterns on our stats hash Used to fill the hash later used by DumpPatterns()
struct PrefilterMpmListId PrefilterMpmListId
void PatternMatchDestroy(MpmCtx *, uint16_t)
int DetectMpmPrepareFrameMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
initialize mpm contexts for applayer buffers that are in "single or "shared" mode.
void DetectMpmInitializeAppMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
Per thread variable structure.
const DetectEngineTransforms * transforms
void DetectFrameMpmRegisterByParentId(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const int id, const int parent_id, DetectEngineTransforms *transforms)
copy a mpm engine from parent_id, add in transforms
int(* PrefilterRegisterFunc)(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id)
void DetectMpmInitializePktMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
uint32_t PatternStrength(uint8_t *, uint16_t)
Predict a strength value for patterns.
int PrefilterGenericMpmPktRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id)
void PatternMatchThreadPrepare(MpmThreadCtx *, uint16_t type)
TmEcode DetectEngineThreadCtxInit(ThreadVars *, void *, void **)
initialize thread specific detection engine context
TmEcode DetectEngineThreadCtxDeinit(ThreadVars *, void *)
int DetectMpmPrepareAppMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
initialize mpm contexts for applayer buffers that are in "single or "shared" mode.
InspectionMultiBufferGetDataPtr GetData
uint8_t PatternMatchDefaultMatcher(void)
Function to return the multi pattern matcher algorithm to be used by the engine, based on the mpm-alg...
MpmStore * MpmStorePrepareBuffer(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, enum MpmBuiltinBuffers buf)
Get MpmStore for a built-in buffer type.
void DetectFrameMpmRegister(const char *name, int direction, int priority, int(*PrefilterRegister)(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id), AppProto alproto, uint8_t type)
register a MPM engine
int MpmStoreInit(DetectEngineCtx *)
Initializes the MpmStore mpm hash table to be used by the detection engine context.
int DetectMpmPrepareBuiltinMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
initialize mpm contexts for builtin buffers that are in "single or "shared" mode.
int PrefilterGenericMpmFrameRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id)
int DetectMpmPreparePktMpms(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
initialize mpm contexts for applayer buffers that are in "single or "shared" mode.
void DetectPktMpmRegisterByParentId(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const int id, const int parent_id, DetectEngineTransforms *transforms)
copy a mpm engine from parent_id, add in transforms
void MpmStoreReportStats(const DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx)
void MpmStoreFree(DetectEngineCtx *)
Frees the hash table - DetectEngineCtx->mpm_hash_table, allocated by MpmStoreInit() function.
void DetectAppLayerMpmRegister(const char *name, int direction, int priority, PrefilterRegisterFunc PrefilterRegister, InspectionBufferGetDataPtr GetData, AppProto alproto, int tx_min_progress)
register an app layer keyword for mpm
void DetectAppLayerMpmRegisterByParentId(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, const int id, const int parent_id, DetectEngineTransforms *transforms)
copy a mpm engine from parent_id, add in transforms
void PatternMatchThreadDestroy(MpmThreadCtx *mpm_thread_ctx, uint16_t)
void PatternMatchPrepare(MpmCtx *, uint16_t)